
While I dont intend this blog to be explicitly dedicated to travel, it is a big part of my life and something I think is extremely important and liberating for people to take part it. In my eyes its something you should do before purchasing that next gadget or gizmo in much the same way people see substantial worth in a college education (obviously they are not completely comparable but you get the gist of it). When I was two my dad took a job in the UK and from there we lived in both the UK and Germany for the better part of the first 14 years of my life. While there we traveled extensively on a shoestring budget, thankfully it was very affordable to get around on the various mass transit options available as well as tours offered through the military base we were stationed at. This sparked my own love and interest in travel that continues to this day.

The want to travel has also pushed me to take charge of my finances as it can be quite a expensive endeavor at times. Personal finance fascinates me since it combines the hard numbers with the feelings we associate with those numbers, and the "things" we feel are necessary to purchase.

Beyond travel and personal finance I have always loved the sciences attending college for astrophysics, and math. In my current line of work I deal with energy policy, science and technology, and research and development for the government. This is a combination of my interests in policy and science allowing me to be both technical and not at times. I have a number of other interests as well (in particular baseball).